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Then through the field they go, their friends seek out,1445
And their eyes weep with grief and pain profound
For kinsmen dear, by hearty friendship bound.
King Marsilies and his great host draw round.



King Marsilies along a valley led
The mighty host that he had gatherèd.1450
Twenty columns that king had numberèd.
With gleaming gold their helms were jewellèd.
Shone too their shields and sarks embroiderèd.
Sounded the charge seven thousand trumpets,
Great was the noise through all that country went.1455
Then said Rollanz: “Olivier, brother, friend,
That felon Guenes hath sworn to achieve our death;
For his treason no longer is secret.
Right great vengeance our Emperour will get.
Battle we’ll have, both long and keenly set,1460
Never has man beheld such armies met.
With Durendal my sword I’ll strike again,
And, comrade, you shall strike with Halteclere.
These swords in lands so many have we held,
Battles with them so many brought to end,1465
No evil song shall e’er be sung or said.”



When the Franks see so many there, pagans,
On every side covering all the land,
Often they call Olivier and Rollant,
The dozen peers, to be their safe warrant.1470
And the Archbishop speaks to them, as he can:
“My lords barons, go thinking nothing bad!
For God I pray you fly not hence but stand,
Lest evil songs of our valour men chant!
Far better ’t were to perish in the van.1475
Certain it is, our end is near at hand,