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Beyond this day shall no more live one man;
But of one thing I give you good warrant:
Blest Paradise to you now open stands,
By the Innocents your thrones you there shall have.”1480
Upon these words grow bold again the Franks;
There is not one but he “Monjoie” demands.



A Sarrazin was there, of Sarraguce,
Of that city one half was his by use,
’Twas Climborins, a man was nothing proof;1485
By Guenelun the count an oath he took,
And kissed his mouth in amity and truth,
Gave him his sword and his carbuncle too.
Terra Major, he said, to shame he’ld put,
From the Emperour his crown he would remove.1490
He sate his horse, which he called Barbamusche,
Never so swift sparrow nor swallow flew,
He spurred him well, and down the reins he threw,
Going to strike Engelier of Gascune;
Nor shield nor sark him any warrant proved,1495
The pagan spear’s point did his body wound,
He pinned him well, and all the steel sent through,
From the hilt flung him dead beneath his foot.
After he said: “Good are they to confuse.
Pagans, strike on, and so this press set loose!”1500
“God!” say the Franks, “Grief, such a man to lose!”



The count Rollanz called upon Oliver:
“Sir companion, dead now is Engeler;
Than whom we’d no more valiant chevalier.”
Answered that count: “God, let me him avenge!”1505
Spurs of fine gold into his horse drove then,