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Ah! yes; there is on all below—
How passing dear soe'er it be—
All that we have, or love, or know—
The stamp of sad mortality!


By the Author of "The Deserted College."

Ye great of my country, how long will ye slumber?
Spell-bound far remote from her once happy shore,
Unmoved by her wrongs and her woes without number,
Oh! wake thee, awake, and lie dreaming no more!
Awaken to fame and poor Erin's condition;
To heal all her wounds be your noblest ambition;
Oh! break off the spell of the foreign magician.
Awake, then, awake, and lie dreaming no more!

Not the want of green fields nor of countless resources
The sons of sweet Erin have cause to deplore,
Nor the want of brave hearts for the muster of forces:
Awake, then, awake, and lie dreaming no more!
A patriot flame and endearing emotion
Are wanting to bless the sweet isle of the ocean;
Yet Erin is worthy of love and devotion.
Awake, then, awake, and lie dreaming no more!

Let Fashion no more in pursuit of vain pleasure,
To far-distant lands in her train draw you o'er;
In your own native isle is the goodliest treasure:
Awake, then, awake, and lie dreaming no more!
When once love and pride of your country ye cherish,
The seeds of disunion and discord shall perish,
And Erin, dear Erin, in loveliness flourish.
Awake, then, awake, and lie dreaming no more!