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ligence so low that he did not know enough to be afraidt.

"But this one iss so stupid or so bold, too, that he continues without disturbance to open the box efen when a pistol iss many times fired at him. But at the same time he iss so clever that efen in the dark he knows how—quickly and without hesitation—to open the box, and how to go in and out of a room which iss locked, and so guickly to move that when the light is turned on, he hass disappeared. Then I re-read in the newsbaper that it wass not customary for the baper to be wrapped round the box; but only lately it hass been that way—therefore, by whoever opened the box, baper round the box was not expected.

"So I said to myself: 'Max, this iss not one intelligence; it is two intelligences—it iss