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a clever intelligence which has planned how this wass to be done and a stupid intelligence which has carried it out. And I changed the questions I wass asking myself like this: 'Max, who iss it that could be put into a locked room, and haf been taught to open the box, and could do all that was done in the way it wass done, and could disappear so guickly as not to be seen?'

"What do you mean?" the police officer demanded impatiently.

"I mean only," Max replied imperturbably, "that you should imachgine now, as I wass then imachgining that there could be such a one who could disappear when he had opened the box. Suppose there iss such a one, so stupid and so bold; still, how would he know in the dark that the box iss under the paper, so that he will tear the baper off