Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/252

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munication between heaven and the world, or between the Lord and the church, has been restored.

V. Since communication has been restored by the last judgment, man is able to be enlightened and reformed; that is, to understand the divine truth of the Word, to receive it when understood, and to retain it when received; for the interposing obstacles are removed. Therefore after the former heaven and the former earth passed away, John said that he "saw a new heaven and a new earth; and then the holy city Jerusalem descending from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and heard One sitting upon the throne say, Behold I make all things new" (Apoc. xxi. 1, 2, 5).

VI. The state of the world and of the church before the last judgment was as evening and night; but after it, as morning and day. When the light of truth does not appear, there is a state of the church in the world like evening and night; but when the light of truth appears, and the truth is received, there is a state of the church in the world like morning and day. Hence it is, that these two states of the church are called evening and morning, and night and day, in the Word; as in Dan. viii. 14; Dan. viii. 26; Zech. xiv. 7; Isaiah xxi. 11, 12; Mark xiii. 35; John ix. 4; and elsewhere, as in Isaiah xvii. 14; Jer. vi. 4, 5; Psalm xxx. 6; Psalm lxv. 9; Psalm xc. 6. Since such things are understood by evening and morning, therefore the Lord, in order to fulfil the