Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/253

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Word, was also buried in the evening and rose again in the morning.

The last judgment upon the Reformed shall be described in the following order:


I. The last judgment was executed upon those only of the Reformed who professed a belief in God, read the Word, heard sermons, partook of the sacrament of the Supper, and did not neglect the solemnities of church-worship in the world; and who yet thought that adulteries, various kinds of theft, lying, revenge, hatred and the like, were allowable. These, although they professed a belief in God, still made no account of sins against Him. Though they read the Word, they made no account of the precepts of life in it. Though they heard sermons, they paid no attention to them. Though they partook of the sacrament of the Supper, they desisted not from the evils of their former lives. And though they did not neglect the solemnities of worship, they amended their lives in nothing. Thus they lived in their externals as if from religion, yet were totally destitute of it in their internals.

These are they who are understood by the Dragon in the Apocalypse xii. For it is there said of the Dragon, that it was seen in heaven, that it fought with Michael in heaven, and that it drew down the