Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/454

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428 EXAMINATION PAPEES ON Ov [xav ovSe Tts ct/A^tTToXwi/ SraTt'^CTai afxcfn TruAas. Et yap ixcTaKvfJLLo<s aras, 'O TLaidv, <J3aveLr]<s, HvXav TrdpoiOe 8' ov^ opo) nryyatov, ws i^o/x-t^crat, X.€pVLf3'f €7rt <}>6lt(ov TTvAaiS' XaiVa T* ovTts CTTt TrpoOvpois To/xatos a 81; i/ckvwk Ilei/^et TTLTVCL, ovSe veoXaca AovTTCt ;(etp ywatKwv. Explain tlie words a-TaTit^cTai, /xeraKv/xios, and xipvijia. Why does Elmsley object to Trtrvctv and ptTrrctv, and how are these forms sujjported by Hermann and Lobeck? "What is, according to Hermann, the dif- ference between piiTruv and ptTrretv? Is it borne out by usage ? What is generally the difference in signification between contracted and un- contracted verbs from the same root in Latin? Explain the formation of Svo-Tvxetv from Tvyx(xv€Lv and of helligerare from gerere. The MSS. give veoAaia, Dindorf reads voXaU, Monk veoXaia. Which is right, and why? 11. Translate: Tt xprj y€V€(r$aL rrjv vTrcpjSe^A.T^/xev/^v TvvaiKa'j ttws S' av fidWov evSet^atro rts noctv TrpoTLfXiocT Tf OiXovcT vir€pOav€iv; What is the difference in Plato between ivduKwaOai and €7rtSctKi/vo-^at? What was the eTrtSet^ts of a Sophist? In what cases could an Ij/Sci^ts be brought according to the Athenian law, and how was it connected with an (XTraywyT^? 12. Ae^at OiXiJi (TOL TTplv Oav^LV a fiovXoixai. Distinguish accurately between OiXciv and jSovXeo-^at. Ti*anslate: av ot T€ Ocoi OiXoidi kol v/x€t5 fSovXrjcrOe. Which is the older form, OeX^iv or e^e'Aeti/? What is the oldest form of /?ovXco-^at? 13. Translate: Kat TTOJS C7r€0"^p(3 TyvSe ro) K€Lvr]<; X€)(ei ', Kat jxrj ^TTLytjfirjs to tcrSe jxrjTpvLoiv TiKi/OLS. And, OS cTTt OvyaTpl dfxrJTOpi, rfj ovvo pia rjv ^povip^rj, iwl ravTrj eyry/AC dXXrjv yvvoLKa, y 8e €7r€(7€X^oi;<ja iStKaUv di/at Kat tw epyo) p.r]Tpviy Trj ^povcfLr).