Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/455

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THE GREEK TRAGEDIANS. 429 What is the force of cttI in these passages? What different signifi- cation does it bear in the word eVtya/Ata? Give some account of the marriage-law at Athens. How does ^schykis use the word ixrjTpvtd metaphorically ? 14. Translate, explain, and compare the following passages: ^o<:f>rj Be X^^P^ tcktovwv Se/^as to (Tov EtKacr^ci/ iv XiKTpoLcriv iKraOyja-erai, Qi TrpocTTrecrov/xat Koi TrepnrTvcrcrwv X^P^'^ "Ovofia KaXwv (Tov rrjv KaXrjv iv ayKcxXais Ao^ct) yvvoLKa KatVcp ovk e^^*' ^X^*-^? ■^vxpav fxeVy ot/xat, repij/LV, d)C o/xws ySapos ■^vx^s dTravrXoiriv dv iv 8' oveipacrL ^oiTwad IX €vcfipaLVOL<; dv. "^Sv yap cfyiXovs Kav vvKTi X€V(T(T€LV ovTLv dv TTaprj xpovov. UoOio 8' vTrepTTovTtas ^dafiq. S6^€L S6p.<ji)v dvdacrcLV. ^vjxopcfiiDV hk KoXoacroiV Ex^€Tat x^P'^ dvSpi, 'Oya/xarwv 8' iv ax^i^tats "Eppct Trao-' ^AcfipoStra. 'Ol/€tpo<^ai/TOt Se TTCV^V^'/XOVCS Ilapeto't 8o^at cftepovaai xdpLV fxaratav. Marav yap €vt dv iaOXd ris 8okojv opdv TLapaXXd^aaa Sid x^pwv Bc)3a/<ej/ oi/'ts ov fxeOvcrrcpov nrepots 07ra8ots rVi/ov KeXev^ot?. 15. Translate: IloXXa (T€ ^OTJO-OTToXot MeXj/'ouo't Ktt^' CTTTarovoi/ t opetav XeXw cj/ t' a/vpot9 kXcovtcs v/xvoi?, ^Trapra kvkXci? dvLKa K.apvuov Trepivicrcrerai wpa Mt^vos dcipofxiva<i Jlavvvxpy areXdva^ AtTrapatcrt t' ev dX^tats 'A^ai/at?. What was the origin and nature of the Carnea, and in what month were they celebrated? Why is the epithet XtTrapo? applied to Athens? 16. How is the legend about the death of Alcestis and the servitude of Apollo to be explained?