Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/134

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Soon after my arrival here, I was dazzled with the glittering appearance of the Nabob, and all his train, amounting to about three thouſand attendants, proceeding in ſolemn ſtate from his palace to the temple. They formed in the ſplendor and richneſs of their attire, one of the moſt brilliant proceſſions I ever beheld. The Nabob was carried on; beautiful pavillion, or meanah by ſixteen men, alternately, pulled by the nativeſ, Baharas, who wore a red uniform; the refulgent canopy covered with tiſſue, and lined with embroideed ſcarlet velvefg, trimmed with ſilver fringe, as ſupported by four pillars of maſſy ſilver, and reſembled the form of a beautiful elbow chair, conſtructed
