Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/135

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in oval elegance; in which he ſat croſs—leggged, leaning his back againſt a fine cuſhion, and his elbows on two more covered with ſcarlet velvet, wrought with flowers of gold. At each ſide of his magnificent conveyance; two men attended with large whiſks in their hands, made of ſome curious animals tail, to beat off the flies, The very handles of thoſe whiſks were of ſilver. As to the ornaments of his perſon he wore a very ſmall turban of white muſlin, containing forty-four yards, which quantity, from its exceeding fineneſs, would not weigh more than a pound and half; a band of ſame encompaſſed his turban, from which hung

ſilver taſſels over his right eye; on
