Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/137

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with pearls. Two Aid-du-Camps, one at each ſide attended him on horſeback; from whom he was little more diſtinguiſhed in ſplendor of habiliment, than by the diamond ſtar in his turban. Their ſaddles were ornamented with taſſels, fringe, and various kinds of embroidery. Before and behind him, moved in the pomp of ceremony, a great number of pages, and near his perſon ſlowly advanced his life guard, mounted on horſes: all were clad in a ſtile of unrivalled elegance: the very earth with expanding boſom, poured out her treſures to deck them; and the artiſan eſſayed his utmſt ſkill to furniſh their trappings.
