Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/138

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His pipe was of a ſerpentine form, nine cubits in length, and termed hooka: it reached from his lips, though Elevated his ſituation above the gay throng; to the hands of a parſon who only walked as an attendant in the train, for the purpoſe of filling the ſilver bowl with a nice compound of muſk, ſugar, roſe-water; and a little tobacco finely chopped, and worked up together into a kind of dough, which was diſſolved into an odorifercus liquid by the heat of a little fire made of burnt rice and kept in a ſilver vessel with a cover of the ſame, called Chilm, from which was conveyed a fragrant cool ſmoke, through a ſmall tube connecting with another that aſcended to his mouth.
