Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/139

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The part which the attendant held in his hand, contained at leaſt a quart of water: it was made of glaſs, ornamented with a: number of little golden chains admirably contrived: the ſnake which comprehends both tubes was tipped with gold at each end, and the intermediate ſpace was made of wire inſide a cloſe quilting of ſatin, ſilk, and muſlin; wrought in a very ingenious manner: the mouthpiece was alſo of gold, and the part next to his lips ſet with diamonds.

A band of native muſic played before him, accompanied with a big drum, conveyed on a camel, the found of which, could be heard at a great diſtance: and halcorah or
