Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/153

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are ſent with nutmegs, in the uſual form, to invite their friends and acquaintance to the wedding, and the houſes of each party are adorned with green branches and flowers. Outſide the doors they erect galleries for the muſicians, under which, are rows of feats, or benches for the accommodation of the lower claſs of people, who are forbid any cloſer communication. Allured by invitation and the love of pleaſure, the welcome gueſts arrive, and diſcover the houſes by the green branches and flowers with which they are gayly dreſſed, to diſtinguiſh them from opthers. The entire week is ſpent in the utmoſt mirth and convivial enjoyment; The fineſt ſcarlet muſlin is procured for the young
