Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/152

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ful time in me, the female ſeldom exceeding the age of twelve, and the lad little more advanced in years: they muſt always be of the ſame call, and trade; for a weaver will not give his daughter to a man of any other occupation: in the higher ſcenes of life, each of the parties bring a ſplendid fortune; but among people of the middle claſs, the woman has ſeldom more allotted her than her apparel, furniture, and a few ornaments of ſame value, as the parents of the man provide for both, by giving him a portion of ſuch property as they can afford; in land, merchandize, or implements of trade, according to their ſituation. When they conclude all matters to their ſatisfaction, Hajams
