Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/279

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that were once in the hands of the Portugeſe, but being ſince reduced, have come into the poſſeſſion of the Engliſh. Our brigade, at length, arrived at Fort William in the year 1778, and replaced the other, which, marched to Denapore.

About fiteen miles from Fort William, on the oppoſite ſide of the river, is a Daniſh ſettlement, called Serampour; It's manufactures conſiſt of cotton, baffety, calico, Chintz, table cloths, and napkins.

The houſes of the inhabitants are very neat, and on the river ſide is a ſmall battery, with the Governor's cattle in the centre, and the Daniſh flag flying a'top.
