Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/280

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In Chinſura, a Dutch ſettlement, much the ſame kind of trade is conducted, as at Serampour.

A little farther on, is Chandernagore, or Fraſdanga, the ſcene of many diſputes between the French and Engliſh; the latter of whom are now the proprietors of it, on the weſt, it lies expoſed to an enemy, though encmpaſſed by a wall, and, in other ſituations, pretty well fortified. It drives a briſk trade, and carries on, to ſome extent, the manufacture of handkerchiefs and ſtriped muſlins.

Near Fraſdinga, and in the ſame direction, is Gretti, then belonging to the French, under the govern-
