Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/355

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an additional ſupply of cannon we'll ammunition was directly ſent for. We now began the ſiege with the moſt lively ardor, and continued it for three days without intermiſſion: on the fourth morning, at three o'clock; Captains Baker and Gardaner kept up a briſk cannonading, and thr'ew the enemy info the utſmoſt confuſion, amidſt which, Captain Lane, Lieutenants Simpſon and Williams, with whom I adventured, and three companies of determined Seapoy grenadiers, formed the fort and ruſhed on the diſordered enemy with manly reſolution. After ſome oppoſition, they evacuated their ſtrong hold, with Ramjaum at their head, and made off towards Lutteefgur, leaving their military equipage,
