Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/356

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elephants, camels, bullocks, &c. behind them,

Captain Baker diſtinguiſhed him, ſelf in this action, as in many others, by the greateſt exertions, and diſplayed the courage of the active ſoldier united with the experience of the hoary veteran.

"Whilſt mem'ry dwells on virtues only ſhine.
"Fame o'er thy relic: breathes a ſtrain divine."

Major Crabb having met Ramjaum on his way to Lutteefgur, gavehim battle, and obliged him with his vanquiſhed forces to fly for ſhelter to Lora, and from thence to Bidgegur, whither Cheyt—ſing had eſcaped. The Raja, however, not
