Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/386

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the variety of ornaments about it is admirable, and the taſte with which it is executed, inconceivable: you can form but an imperfect idea of ſuch a maſterly piece, of workmanſhip, and I am therefore unhappy that my abilities will not permit me to purſue ſuch a combination of inimitable art and elegance, through all the complicated minutiae of an adequate deſcription---It is carried in grand proceſſion through the town, during the night, with the ſalver and two turbans placed on the battlements of the fourth ſpire: before which, were thouſands in the attitude of proſtrate humility, paying their adoration and diſtributing aims to their indigent fellow creatures around them, whilſt numbers
