Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/396

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ver rods, and piadas or letter carriers.

Thoſe elevated perſonages, who balk in the ſun-ſhine of exalted life, look down, as from at lofty eminence, on your ſecond-rate people of quality, with as much ſupercilious diſdain, as the ſecond-rates ſurvey all, without, diſtiction, in the hambler walks of life, in which are ſome ſentimental ſouls whoſe wounded ſenſibilityl gives rapture to enjoyment, when they behold them held in ſuch ſovereign deteſtation and ſneering contempt, by their diſtant ſuperiors.

I have frequently ſeen a circar or writing clerk, attended in the day
