Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/397

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time, by a ſervant holding an umbrella over his head to ſhade him from the ſun, and one or two torch bearers illuming the way, before him by night.

Every man of rank has a derawan or door—keeper at his gate, to announce the arrival of a viſtant, whoſe name he cries out in a vociferous tone, which is heard in the gentleman's manſion, and repeated by a ſervant at the foot of the grand ſtair-caſe leading to his apartment: pages potted in different ſituation on the ſtairs, uſher the found to each other; till, at laſt, it reaches the jemidar or principal page, at the drawing-room door, who conveys it, with great
