Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/398

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formality, to his masſter, in order to prepare him for the reception of the viſitant.

In paſſing through ſome parts of the town, I have obſerved ſeveral men employed in repairing the ſtreets, who had logs chained to I their feet, as a puniſhment, which the law inflicts for the commiſſion of ſmall crimes. Women guilty of petty offences, appear abroad quite bald, their heads being cloſe ſhaved, in order to expoſe them to public ſcorn. Perfons in the matrimonial ſtate, detected in criminal converſation, are mounted on a large jackaſs, with two ſpears or bayornets faſtened round the brows of each, to denote their ſhame, and render
