Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/405

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library. On the weſt part of the town a river runs cloſe to the buildings, which are protected by a large battery of guns commanding the plain beyond them. On the eaſt, there is a ſlightſt one wall, built on an eminence, that appears ſomething grand to the ſhipping in the road; but here is very little occaſion for any fortification, the ſea coming up cloſe to the town, and no largeg'veſſels can ride within two miles of the place, the ſea is ſo very ſhallow; nor is there any landing but in the country beats, the ſurf runs ſo high, and breaks ſo far from the ſhore. The north and ſouth ends of the town, are each of them defended by a ſtone wall, which is hollow-within, like the fort walls, and would.
