Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/406

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hardly hold out one day's battery. To the fourthward is a little ſuburb, inhabited only by black fiſhermen; it conſiſts of low thatched cottages; which hardly deſerve the name of buildings. Beyond this is an out-guard of Blacks who ſerve to give intelligence to the fort; but there is no other fortification on this ſide.

The black town, ſituate to the northward, adjoins the white town, and is conſiderably larger. Here Portugeſe, Indians, Armenians, and others dwell; It is built in the form of a ſquare, and more than a mile and a half in circumference; being ſurronded with a brick will ſeventeen feet thick, with baſtions at proper diſtances, after the modern
