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KILMARNOCK. (CM.) 𝅗𝅥 = 72. Neil Dougall (1770-1862).

Psalm ciii. 13-l8. John Knox's' Psalter (1564).
AND looke what pitie parents deare, vnto their children beare: Like pitie bear'th the Lord to such, as worship him in feare.
The Lord that made vs know'th our shape, our mould and fashion iust : How weake and fraile our nature is, and how we are but dust,
And how the time of mortall men, is like the withering hay, Or like the flowre right faire on field, that fad'th full soone away,
Whose glose and beautie stormie winds doe vtterlie disgrace, And mak'th that after their assaults, such blossoms haue no place.
But yet the goodnesse of the Lord, with his shall euer stand: Their childrens children doe receiue, his righteousnesse at hand,
I meane who keepe his Couenant, with all their whole desire. And not forget to doe the thing, that he doth them require.