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WINSCOTT. (L.M.) 𝅗𝅥 = 88. Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876).

William Brighty Rands (1823-1880).
One Lord there is, all lords above; His name is Truth, his name is Love, His name is Beauty, it is Light, His will is Everlasting Right.
But ah! to Wrong, what is his name? This Lord is a consuming flame To every wrong beneath the sun: He is one Lord, the Holy One.
Lord of the Everlasting Name, Truth, Beauty, Light, Consuming Flame! Shall I not lift my heart to thee, And ask thee. Lord, to rule in me?
If I be ruled in other wise. My lot is cast with all that dies; With things that harm, and things that hate; And roam by night, and miss the gate—
The happy gate, which leads to where Love is like sunshine in the air, And Love and Law are both the same, I Named with an Everlasting Name.