- Rohr, Philip, 23
- Roman, Victor, 325–7
- Romeo and Juliet (similar themes in literature), 310–1
- Rooks (omens drawn from), 246
- Room in the Tower, The, 321
- Roscoe, Rev. J., 13
- Rose of Lima, S., 122, 228
- Rose of Viterbo, S., 130
- Rothe, Friedel, 190
- Russia, outbreaks of murderous fanaticism in, 150–2
- Sabbatarians, those born on a Saturday, 33, 163
- Sabetti, S.J., Aloysius, 38, 143–4
- Sade, Marquis de, 60–1, 280
- St. Irvyne, 277
- Salem witchcraft, 5
- Sanna, Elizabeth (serva Dei), 120
- Santorini, isle of, 23, 205
- Saturday, why holy, 33
- Saulle, Dr. Legrande du, 64
- Scacchus, 119
- Scatcherd, Miss Felicia, 197
- Scheffer, J., 252
- Scholastica, wife of S. Injurieux, 51
- Schomburg, Sir Robert, 135
- Schrattembach, Cardinal, 25
- Scott, Sir Walter, 275–6
- Scribe, Eugène, 303–4
- Scripandi, S.J., Father, 56
- Second Maiden’s Tragedy, The, 308–10
- Selbtsmond, Der (Marsaryk), 144
- Seltzam, Dr., 320
- Semitic Magic (Campbell-Thompson), 224
- Serres, Maurice de, 404–3
- Seven Spirits, the, 224
- Severinus, S., 53
- Seyé (Blaise Ferrage), 61
- Shaw, Dr. T. Claye, 133
- Shelley, Mary, 281
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 276–7, 281, 289
- Shilluk tribe (hero worship), 9
- Shirley, James, 183
- Siamese (cutting of hair among), 223
- Siméon, Alexandre, 68
- Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, 79, 180, 230
- Skeat, Dr. W. W., 254, 255
- Social Life of the Chinese (Doolittle), 246
- Solon, code of, 16
- Somaglia, Cardinal della, 37
- Songs of the Russian People, 19
- Souchkoff, 152
- Southey, Robert, 278–9
- Souvestre, Pierre, 319
- Spared Hours of a Soldier (1623), 183
- Spencer, W. R., 276
- Spinola, Cardinal, 37
- Stanislaus of Cracow, S., 55
- Stanley, J. T., 276
- Stenbock, Stanislaus Eric, Count, 324
- Stewart, Dugald, 275
- Sting (vampires with a), 179
- Stock, John Christian, 23
- Stoker, Bram, 333, 335
- Strix, 228, 230
- Studies of Death, 324
- Suicide (ethics of), 142–4
- Suicides (graves of), 154
- Sunday, child born on, 162
- Suore Morte, 102–3
- Survival (ed. Sir James Marchant), 197
- Sweeny Todd, 61–2, 332
- Swettenham, Sir Frank, 252–3
- Syriac exorcism, 225
- Taboo (among the Ibo), 222–3
- Taglioni, Paul, 312
- Taylor, William (of Norwich), 275–6
- Ten Tables, laws of the, 16
- Teresa of Avila, S., 129–32
- Terry, Edward, 318–9
- Tertullian, 48, 49, 56, 84, 227
- Tezcatlipocâ, 261–2
- Thalaba the Destroyer, 278–9, 283
- Theodore of Petra, 54
- Theodosius of Alexandria, 100
- Theodosius the Cenobite, S., 54
- Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus, S. (The Little Flower), 7
- Thévenot, Jean de, 232
- Thomas, Jean, 57
- Thomas (the Anchorite), 49
- Thomas Aquinas, S., 119, 160, 174
- Thomas Lombard, 122
- Thouret, Dr., 39
- Thousand and One Nights (Burton), 204; (Mardrus), 232; (Forster), 233
- Tiberius, Dr. (of Athens), 69
- Tibullus, 185
- Tintern, 160
- Tlazolteotl, 262
- Tonatiuh, 260
- Tornaeus, 252
- Torquatus, S., 53
- Tournefort, M. Pittonde, 280, 283
- Tozer, H. F., 205
- Transcendental Physics (Zoellner), 175
- Transfer, The, 323
- Travels and Discoveries in the Levant (Newton), 208
- Travels in Bokhara, 257
- Travels into Dalmatia (Fortis), 202–3