- Travels into the Levant (Thévenot), 232
- Travels of Three English Gentlemen (c. 1734), 22
- Trois Vampires, Les, 303, 304–5
- True Story of a Vampire, The, 324
- Truths Contained in Popular Superstitions, On the (Mayo), 175–9
- Turco-Graecia, 207
- Tuschelin, O. S. D., Christina Mechthild, 122
- Two Lovers, The, 51
- Typhon, 182–3
- Tyrol (a wedding ring custom of the), 223
- Upton, Smyth, 330–1
- Utukku (a phantom), 217–8
- Vacher, Joseph, 64–5
- Vacher l’éventreur (Lacassagne), 64
- Vampir, Der (Ossenfelder), 274
- Vampire, Le (Baudelaire), 327–8
- Vampire, Le (burlesque, 1820), 305
- Vampire, Le (Charles Nodier, Jouffroy and Carmouche), 290–6
- Vampire, Le (Dumas and Maquet), 297–303, 317
- Vampire, Le (Mengals), 306
- Vampire, Le (Scribe and Mélesville), 303–4
- Vampire, The (Boucicault), 312–4
- Vampire, The (Hodder), 325
- Vampire, The (José G. Levy), 319
- Vampire, The (Planché), 306–8
- Vampire, The (Reece; burlesque), 318–9
- Vampire, The (St. John Dorset), 319–20
- Vampire Bride, The, 329–30
- Vampire Bats, 135–6
- Vampire-killers (dervishes), 210
- Vampire of Souls, A, 331
- Vampires, definition, 1–2; derivation and discussion of word, 18–22; early treatises upon, 22–3; precautions to prevent return of persons as, 202–10; attacking animals, 209–10; earliest representation of, 225
- Vampiri, I (di Palma), 311
- Vampirisme, le, defined by Dr. Épaulard, 57
- Vampiro, Il (Rotta), 312
- Vampyr, Der (Fiorelli), 320
- Vampyr, Der (Hildebrand), 320
- Vampyr, Der (Wohlbrück and Marschner), 311
- Vampyr, Ein (Ulrich Franks), 312
- Vampyr und Seine Braut, Der, 320
- Vampyre, The (By the Wife of a Medical Man), 331
- Vampyre, The (Maxwell), 328–9
- Vampyre, The (Polidori), 280–90; (translated), 290
- Vampyre der Residenz, Die (Seltzam), 320
- Vampyrus Spectrum (bat), 135
- Varney the Vampire, 331–3
- Varro (De Lingua Latina), 155
- Vendetta (in Greece), 141
- Veronica Giuliani, S., 132
- Verzeni, Vincenzo, 66
- Vetala (Indian vampire), 249–51
- Viehe, Rev. G., 11
- Vikram and the Vampire (Burton), 250–1
- Villani, Maria, 124
- Vincent, Ferrer, O.P., S., 122
- Vitalian, S., 130
- Vollum, M.D., Colonel E. P., 39
- Von Vampyren (Harenberg), 23
- Voodoo, 265–7
- Voyage au Levant (Lucas), 205
- Vylars, Mme. C. le, 219
- Wajagga tribe, 147
- Walburga, S., 130
- Walpurgis Night, 257
- Walsham, Sir John, 246
- Walter, C. R. P., Bl., 124
- Wassilko-Serecki, Countess, 5
- Water, vampires unable to cross, 208
- Waverley, 160
- Wedding-ring (traditions connected with the), 223
- Wells, H. G., 322
- Wellhausen, 231
- Werewolf, connected with vampires, 21; actual change denied, 165–7
- Weyer, Johann, 228
- White, Fred M., 322–3
- Whitney, Constance, 40
- Wicks, Ernest, 46
- Wieland, Christoph Martin, 274
- Wilfred, S., 124
- William of Newbury, 207
- Willibrord, S., 130
- Willoughby-Meade, Mr. G., 239
- Winslow, Dr. Forbes, 47
- Xipilli, 260
- Xochilhuitl, 260
- Xochiquetzal, 260
- Zauber-bibliothek (Horst), 2
- Zephyr, or the Stratagem, 22
- Zoellner, Professor, 175
- Zofloya: or, the Moor, 277
- Zopfius, John Heinrich, 1–2, 23
- Zschokke, 320
- Zügun, Eleonore, 5–6
- Zumárraga, Juan de, 264