Page:The Vegetarian, a monthly magazine published to advocate wholesome living (IA vegetarianmonthl00unse 0).pdf/8

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Advance of Civilization, 54.
Alleged Divine Permission to Eat Every Moving
Thing, 92.
Animals, Diseases of Communicable to Man, 97.
Best Food for Man, 87.
Birds, Plea for Singing, 124.
Blackhouse & Taylor’s Witness for Christ, 76.
Chauncey Roe, 82.
Chicago Banquet, 72, 82.
Clippings, 75.
Diet, Ethies of, 147.
Diet and Happiness, 1.
Diseases of Animals Communicable to Man, 97.
Divine Permisson to Eat, Alleged, 92.
Drink Crave, How to Cure, 4.
Ethics of Diet, 147.
Flesh Eating and Disease, 33.
Food for Strength, 29.
Food for Students, 17.
Fruit and Old Age, 14.
George Bernard Shaw, 77.
Health, 162, 197.
Healthy Living, 65.
India’s Pestilence, 123.
Kill Not at all, 49.
Medical and Scientific Testimony in favor of a
Vegetarian Diet, 104.
Macaroni Soup, 155.