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sett, no. 12 of 1825. 52Butler, Jan.5; Mar.9; June 29; Aug. 26, 1830; Feb. 19; Aug. 20; Oct. 5; Dec. 6, 1831; Jan. 10; Feb. 27; Mar. 22; July 25; Oct. 7; Dee. 12, 1832; Mar. 16; June 5, 1833; Mar. 2, 8, 28: June 2; July 1, 9; Sept. 1; Oct. 20, 1834; Feb. 8, 1836. 52Butler to Jackson, July 28, 1831; June 21; July 18; 'Aug. 30, 1832; Jan. 2, 1833; Feb. 6; July 9; Dec. 24, 1834; Feb. 26, 1835. 52Ellis, nos. 2, 3, 1836. 52Ellis to Jackson, Aug. 26, 1836. 11Cochelet, Nov. 21, 1829. 261Mémoire. 13Morier, no. 10, 1825. 13Ward, secret and gonfid. July 14; no. 40, Sept. 25, 1825. 13Ashburnham, no. 70, 1838. 52Jones, no. 71, 1837. 52W. S. Parrott, no. 15, 1835. A. Bustamante to Congress, May 23, 1832. C. M. Bustamante, Gobierno, 275. Mora, Obras, i, pp. xx, xxi, xliii-xlvi, xlix, l, lvii, lxi, lxv, lxxvi-xc, cxii-cxxviii, cxxxix, cxcvii, ccxiv-cclxxxi, cclxv. Lerdo de Tejada, Apuntes, ii, 393, 396-7, 399, 403, 414, 548. Crepúsculo, May 8, 16, 1835. Rivera, Jalopa, i iii, 157-75, 195-202, 225-8. Id., Gobernantes, ii, 151-3, 168-9, 173, 177-8. Tornel, Reseña, 25. Cuevas, Porvenir, 342. Zavala, Revoluciones, i, 263; ii, 254, 269-70, 289, 365, 367, 369. Zamacois, México, xii, 24-5. Bocanegra, Mems., ii, 150-3, 157, 159, 190, 208, 329-31, 378-85, 417-8, 433-9, 445-60, 546-54, 598. México á través, iv, 142, 201, 230-1, 235-7, 240, 246-7, 255, 258, 265, 267, 285-6, 289-93, 295, 298-311, 315-9, 321-7, 332-53, 355, 357, 359, 362-82, 386-8, 390-1. Calderón, Life, i, 96; ii, 126. Poinsett in Commerc. Review, July, 1846, 34-9. Thompson, Recolls., 87-8. Sierra, Evolution, i, 181-2, 184, 187; ii, 494. El Vil y Traidor S. Anna. Juicio Imparcial. Imparcial, June 18, 1906. Búlnes, Grandes Mentiras, 208. Löwenstern, Le Mexique, 284, 287. Aviso á los Estados. S. Anna, proclam., June 1, 1834.

When Santa Anna resumed the Presidency in May, 1833, he painted himself in an address to Congress as the ideal patriot and saint, consecrated to liberty, enlightenment, morality, and the Christian religion, "straightforward" and "simple" in principles, "mild and tolerant" in character. His life, he assured the nation, was entirely devoted to the freedom and happiness of the people and the preservation of the Federal system." Before long his picture was drawn in different colors. "The Vile and Traitorous Santa Anna wishes to be Emperor," cried one pamphleteer. '"Depravity and ambition make up the character of that miserable Proteus,'"' responded another.

8. Centralism. 13Ashburnham, nos. 51, 52, 58, 64 of 1837; 7, 21, 23, 24, 37, 70, 111 of 1838. 13Pakenham, nos. 11, 12, 67, 76 of 1839; 21, 40, 72, 92, 95 of 1840; 42, 53, 94, 101, 116 of 1841. 13Pakenham to Harvey, July 20, 1839. 52W. D. Jones, June 22; July 19; Aug. 29; Sept. 26; Oct. 7,17; Nov. 4,11; Dec. 6, 1837; Apr. 10; Sept. 5, 8, 22; Oct. 1, 30; Dee. 7 (anarchy), 1838; Feb. 16, 19; Mar. 23 (Valencia); Apr. 20, 23; May 11, 1839. 52W. S. Parrott, July 29, 1837. 52Black, no. 307, 1840. 52Ellis, no. 29, 1840. 52Ellis to Jackson, Oct. 15, 1839. Bocanegra, Mems., ii, 807. Giménez, Mems., 70-3. Rivero, México, 75. Otero, Cuestión, 62-5. Robertson, Visit, i, 317. México á través, iv, 382, 387, 390-2, 395, 397, 399, 404-16, 419, 423, 427, 430-2, 438, 440, 443-4, 446-8, 451-2, 455-74. Calderón, Life, i, 349; ii, 187, 223-6, 232, 246, 250, 254, 274. El Que me Importa. Noticia Extraordinaria. Republicano, Feb. 3, 1847. London Times, Nov. 25, 1841. Lara, Revista Politica, 1840. Cosmopolita, Dec. 28, 1836. 56Greenhow, Aug. 12, 1837. Löwenstern, Le Mexique, 284. Sierra, Evolution, i, 185. Búlnes, Grandes Mentiras, 208.