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"I do not believe," wrote the British minister (no. 116, Nov. 8, 1841), "that history affords an example of the fate of a Country being so completely dependent upon the will of one man" [as Mexico's now is upon S. Anna's].

9. Santa Anna as Dictator and President. 13Pakenham, nos. 82 of 1833; 119 of 1841; 20, 57, 77, 99, 121 of 1342; 13 of 1843. 13Doyle, nos, 47, 72, 76, 81 of 1843. 13Bankhead, nos. 4, 43, 54, 66, 72, 73, 96, 105, 108, 110 of 1844; 1, 20, 50 of 1845; 57 of 1846. 231Butler to Jackson, Dec. 14, 1835. 52Ellis, no. 44 of 1841. 52Thompson, nos. 1, 3 of 1842; 31 of 1843; 40 of 1844. 523, E. Green, April 8; May 16; June 7. 21; July 14, 1844. Green to Calhoun, June 15, 1844 (Ho. 2; 28, 2, p. 59). D. Green to Calhoun, Oct. 28; Nov. 12, 29, 1844 (Jameson, Calh. Corn, 975, 991, 1000). "Consul Burroughs to Ellis, Jan. 10, 1837. 52Consul Dimond, no. 200, 1843, 52Shannon, nos. 3, 4, 5, 1844. 52Id., Jan. 9, 1845. 52B. Mayer, statement, Dec. 9, 1842. C, M. Bustamante, Gobierno, l, 11, 22, 65, 94, 106, 247, 287, 289, 298, 322 — 4, 384. Giménez, Mems., 263. Bocanegra, Mems., ii, 679. Calderón, Life, i, 337; ii, 195, 272-4, 392. Memoria de. . . Relaciones, Mar. 12, 1845; Dec., 1846. Mem. de. . . Haciendn, Feb., 1844. Mcm. de. . Justicia, Jan., 1844. Paredes [Letters], Adverteneia, 141. Jones, Memoranda, 433 (Arista). México a través, iv, 474-80, 484-90, 492-9, 506, 509, 517 — 30, 532 — 4, 540, 547. Zamacois, México, xii, 280 — 1, 283, 285, 330. Löwenstern, Le Mexique, 288, Rivero, México, 90, 94. Diario del Gabiernu, Jan. 12, 1845. Journal des Débats, Sept. 13, 1842; Mar. 16, 1844; Apr. 29, 1845. Revue de Paris, Dec, 1844. Constitutionnel, Jan. 6, 1844. Otero, Cuestión, 69-70. Tome], Reseña, 74. Zavala, Revoluciones, i, 151. 231Butler to Jackson, June 6, 1834. 11Martin, Aug. 25, 1828. 11Cochelet, Feb. 3, 1830. 52Butler, July 9, 1834. Alvarez, Manifiesto, 1845. Ellis, Soul of Spain, 37, Sierra, Evolution, 1, 211. Defensa del Gen. S. Anna. Cause Criminal. S. Anna, Address, 1846. Rivera, Jalapa, iii, 507, 545, 612, 647 — 73. Lerdo de Tejada, Apuntes, 11, 502 — 5, 511. Texas Register, Mar. 15, 1845 (Eyewitness). London Times, Nov. 15, 1841; Feb. 13: Dec. 6, 1845. Thompson, Recolls., 76, 80, 85-6. Tudor, Tour, ii, 164. Proceso de S. Anna, 1845. saw. S. Parrott, Apr. 29, 1845. (S. Anna's appearance) N. Orl. Commerc. Bulletin, July 18, 1836; 5200nsul Cameron, Feb. 14, 1831; Stapp, Prsoners, 151 — 2; Mofras, Explor., i, 14; Thompson, Recolls., 65; Ferry, Revels, 253 — 5; 231Ellis to family, July 8, 1839.

"Genius of evil," cried a pamphleteer to Santa Anna, "demon of avarice and covetousness, you are, like Attila, the scourge of God. Your power has been, like that of Satan, a power of corruption, of ruin, and of destruction. You resemble a fury of hell, blind, devastating, and bloody. Amid the horrors of civil war, amid lakes of blood and mountains of dead bodies. you always present yourself like a spectre, inciting all to devastation, slaughter, and revenge"; and such productions almost whitened the pavements. —

10. Herrera's administration. (In Sept, 1845, Herrera became President by regular election.) 13Bankhead, nos. 108 of 1844; 2, 17, 30, 70, 82, 85 of 1845. 56W. S. Parrott, Apr. 29, 1845; May 22, 30; June 10, 24; July 12, 15, 2e, 30; Aug. 16, 23, 29; Sept. 2, 18, 29; Oct. 11, 1345. 50Slidell, no. 4, Dec. 27, 1845. 52Consul Campbell, June 7, 1845. Memoria de. . . Relaciones, Dec., 1846. Memoria do. . . Guerra, Dec, 1846. Zavala, Revoluciones. ii, 47. 52Dimond, June 11; Dec. 14, 1845. Siglo XIX, Oct. 5, 9; Nov. 15, 22, 30, Dec. 6, 9, 1845. Diario, Apr, 19;