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gravy, which with the bacon pour over the potato and onion; mix lightly. To be eaten when hot.


CHOP cold boiled potatoes fine, with enough raw onions to season nicely ; make a dressing as for lettuce salad, and pour over it.


STRING young beans; break into half -inch pieces or leave whole; wash and cook soft in salt water; drain well; add finely chopped onions, pepper, salt and vinegar; when cool, add olive oil or melted



THEY should be as fresh from the vine as possible, few vegetables being more unwholesome when long gathered. As soon as they are brought in lay them in cold water. Just before they are to go to the table take them out, pare them and slice them into a pan of fresh cold water. When they are all sliced, transfer them to a deep dish; season them with a little salt and black pepper, and pour over them some of the best vinegar. You may mix with them a small quantity of sliced onions, not to be eaten, but to communicate a slight flavor of onion to the vinegar.


CELEET is sometimes sent to the table without dressing. Scrape the outside stalks, and cut off the green tops and the roots ; lay it in cold water until near the time to serve, then change the water, in which let it stand three or four minutes ; split the stalks in three, with a sharp knife, being careful not to break them, and serve in goblet- shaped salad glasses.

To crisp celery, let it lie in ice- water two hours before serving; to fringe the stalks, stick several coarse needles into a cork, and draw the stalk half way from the top through the needles several times and lay in the refrigerator to curl and crisp.


ALL the varieties are generally served in the same manner, by scraping and placing on the table in glasses containing some cold water to keep them fresh looking.

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