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Spinach requires close examination and picking, as insects are fre- quently found among it and it is often gritty. Wash it through three or four waters. Then drain it and put it in boiling water. Fifteen to twenty minutes is generally sufficient time to boil spinach. Be careful to remove the scum. When it is quite tender, take it up, and drain and squeeze it well. Chop it fine, and put it into a saucepan with a piece of butter and a little pepper and salt. Set it on the fire and let it stew five minutes, stirring it all the time, until quite dry. Turn it into a vegetable dish, shape it into a mound, slice some hard-boiled eggs

and lay around the top.


ABOUT a peck of greens are enough for a mess for a family of six, such as dandelions, cowslips, burdock, chicory and other greens. All greens should be carefully examined, the tough ones thrown out, then be thoroughly washed through several waters until they are entirely free from sand. The addition of a handful of salt to each pan of water used in washing the greens will free them from insects and worms, es- pecially if after the last watering they are allowed to stand in salted water for a half hour or longer. When ready to boil the greens, put them into a large pot half full of boiling water, with a handful of salt, and boil them steadily until the stalks are tender ; this will be in from five to twenty minutes, according to the maturity of the greens ; but remember that long-continued boiling wastes the tender substances of the leaves, and so diminishes both the bulk and the nourishment of the dish ; for this reason it is best to cut away any tough stalks before beginning to cook the greens. As soon as they are tender drain them in a colander, chop them a little and return them to the fire long enough to season them with salt, pepper and butter; vinegar may be added if it is liked ; the greens should be served as soon as they are hot.

All kinds of greens can be cooked in this manner.


WASH and scrape the carrots and divide them into strips; put them into a stewpan with water enough to cover them ; add a spoon- ful of salt and let them boil slowly until tender; then drain and re- place them in the pan, with two tablespoonfuls of butter rolled in flour, shake over a little pepper and salt, then add enough cream or milk to moisten the whole ; let it come to a boil and serve hot.

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