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814 CAKES.

of a teaspoonful of baking soda dissolved in a little water, and milk enough to make a stiff batter; drop this batter in drops on well-but- tered tins and bake in a quick oven.


CKEAM together two cups of sugar and one of butter, add three well- beaten eggs and six tablespoonfuls of sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, flavor to taste, flour enough to make into a soft dough ; do not roll it on the paste-board, but break off pieces of dough the size of a walnut and make into rings by rolling out rolls as large as your finger, and joining the ends; lay them on tins to bake, an inch apart, as it rises and spreads ; bake in a moderate oven. These jumbles are very delicate and will keep a long time.


ONE cup of butter, two of sugar, three eggs, one wine-glass of wine, one spoonful of vanilla and flour enough to roll out. Boll as thin as the blade of a knife and cut with an oval cutter. Bake on tin-sheets in a quick oven until a dark brown. These will keep a year if kept in a tin box and in a dry place.


GRATE one large cupful of cocoanut ; rub one cupful of butter with one and a half cupfuls of sugar; add three beaten eggs, whites and yolks separately, two tablespoonfuls of milk and five cupfuls of sifted flour ; then add by degrees the grated nut, so as to make a stiff dough, rolled thin and cut with a round cutter, having a hole in the middle. Bake in a quick oven from five to ten minutes.


Two CUPS of sugar, one cup of butter, eight eggs beaten light ; es- sence of bitter almond or rose to taste ; enough flour to enable you to roll them out.

Stir the sugar and butter to a light cream, then add the well- whipped eggs, the flavoring and flour; mix well together, roll out in powdered sugar in a sheet a quarter of an inch thick ; cut into rings with a jagging-iron and bake in a quick oven on buttered tins.

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