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. Mix a cupful of sugar with a quart of ripe strawberries, let them stand half a day, then mash and strain them through a coarse towel, then add to the juice a full cupful of sugar and when dissolved, beat in a quart of fresh thick cream. Raspberries, pineapple and other fruits made the same.


MAKE a rich, boiled custard ; flavor with wine and vanilla ; pour it into a freezer. When half frozen, add pounded almonds, chopped citron and brandy, peaches or chopped raisins. Have the freezer half full of custard and fill up with the fruit. Mix well and freeze again. Almost any kind of fruits that are preferred may be substituted for the above.


TAKE two quarts of the richest cream and add to it one pound of pulverized sugar and four whole eggs; mix well together; place on the fire, stirring constantly, and just bring to boiling point; now re- move immediately and continue to stir until nearly cold; flavor with a tablespoonful of extract of vanilla ; place in freezer and, when half frozen, mix thoroughly into it one pound of preserved fruits, in equal parts of peaches, apricots, gages, cherries, pineapples, etc.; all of these fruits are to be cut up into small pieces and mixed well with frozen cream. If you desire to mold this ice sprinkle it with a little carmine, dissolved in a teaspoonf ul of water, with two drops of spirits of ammonia ; mix in this color, so that it will be streaky or in veins like marble.


BEAT the yolks of eight eggs very light, and add thereto four cup- f uls of sugar, and stir well. Add to this, little by little, one quart of rich milk that has been heated almost to boiling, beating all the while ; then put in the whites of eight eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Then boil the mixture in a pail set inside another containing hot water. Boil about fifteen minutes or until it is as thick as a boiled custard, stir- ring steadily meanwhile. Pour into a bowl to cool. When quite cold, beat into it three pints of rich sweet cream and five teaspoonfuls of va- nilla, or such other flavoring as you prefer. Put it into a pail having a close-fitting cover and pack in pounded ice and salt, rock salt, not

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