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fill them with the hot pumpkin or squash, seal tight; place in a dark,

cool closet.


PARE ripe peaches and piii ihrm in a preserving kettle, with suf- ficient water to boil them soft; then sift through a colander, remov- ing the stones. To each quart of peaches put one and one-half pounds of sugar, and hoil very slowly one hour. Stir often and do not let them burn. Put in stone or glass j ars, and keep in a cool place.


PEEL yellow peaches, cut them from the stone in one piece ; allow two pounds of sugar to six pounds of fruit ; make a syrup of three- quarters of a pound of sugar and a little water ; put in the peaches, a few at a time, and let them cook gently until quite clear. Take them up carefully on a dish and set them in the sun to dry. Strew powdered sugar over them on all sides, a little at a time; if any sja'up is left, re- move to fresh dishes. When they are quite dry, lay them lightly in a jar with a little sugar sifted between the layers.

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