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before putting them away. They should then be kept in a dry place, in order that they may escape the deteriorating influence of rust, and thereby be quickly destroyed. Never leave saucepans dirty from one day's use to be cleaned the next; it is slovenly and untidy.

Do not be afraid of hot water in washing up dishes and dirty cook- ing utensils. As these are essentially greasy, luke-warm water cannot possibly have the effect of cleansing them effectually. Do not be chary also of changing and renewing the water occasionally. You will thus save yourself much time and labor in the long run.

Keep a cake of sapolio always on hand in the kitchen always con- venient for rubbing off stains from earthen-ware, tin, glass, in fact, al- most everything but silver ; it is a cheap and valuable article, and can be purchased at nearly every grocery in the United States.



EVERYTHING should be clean. The goods should be scoured in soap and the soap rinsed out. They are often steeped in soap lye over night. Dip them into water just before putting them into prepara- tions, to prevent spotting. Soft water should be used, sufficient to cover the goods well; this is always understood where qwantity is not mentioned. When goods are dyed, air them ; then rinse well, and hang up to dry. Do not wring silk or merino dresses when scouring or dye- ing them. If cotton goods are to be dyed a light color, they should

first be bleached.


Black: Make a weak lye as for black or woolens; work goods in bichromate of potash a little below boiling heat, then dip in the log- wood in the same way; if colored in blue vitriol dye, use about the same heat.

Orange: For one pound goods, annotto one pound, soda one pound; repeat as desired.

Green Very Handsome: For one pound goods, yellow oak bark eight ounces ; boil one-half hour ; turn off the liquor from bark and add alum six ounces ; let it stand until cold ; while making this, color


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