34. On Lepsius's Standard Alphabet. JAOS., vol. 7, pp. 299-332. (Cf. No. 68.)
35. Review of Soule and Wheeler's Manual of English pronunciation and spelling. New Englander, vol. 19, pp. 913-929.
[36.] Remarks upon E. Webb's On the Scythian affinities of the Dravidian languages. JAOS., vol. 7, pp. 296-298.
[37.] Remarks on Rev. R. Caldwell's Comparative Dravidian grammar. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 7, pp. xiii-xiv.
[38.] On the ancient and modern dialects of the Persian language. Ibidem, p. xiv. (Brief announcement.)
[39.] On Lepsius's Standard Alphabet. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 7, p. xlix. (Brief announcement of No. 34.)1862.
[41.] Announcement concerning No. 40. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 7, pp. liii-liv.
[42.] The teachings of the Vedic Prātiçākhyas with respect to the theory of accent and the pronunciation of groups of consonants. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 7, p. lvii.
[43.] On the views of Biot and Weber respecting the origin of the Hindu and Chinese asterisms. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 7, pp. lix-lx. (Cf. No. 44.)1863.
[45.] The Tāittirīya Prātiçākhya. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 8, p. xii. (Brief announcement: cf. No. 137.)
[46.] On Müller's views respecting the relation of the Hindu and Chinese asterisms, and respecting other points in Hindu