astronomy and chronology. PAOS, for October, = JAOS., vol. 8, pp. xvii-xviii. (Abstract of part of No. 44.)
[47.] On the relation of language to the problem of human unity. PA0S. for October, = JAOS., vol. 8, pp. xxii-xxiii. (Cf. No. 77.)
48-56. The following articles in Appleton's New American Cyclopædia, first edition: Persia, language and literature of, vol. l3, pp. 164-171; Sanscrit, vol. 14, pp. 334-339; Semitic race and languages, ibidem, pp. 499-501; Syriac language and literature, vol. 15, pp. 266-268; Turanian race and languages, ibidem, pp. 641-643; Turkish language and literature, ibidem, pp. 657-660; Veda, vol. 16, pp. 38-40; Zendavesta, ibidem ,pp. 628-629; Zoroaster, ibidem, p. 655. Cf. Nos. 290 and 307 and 308-310.
57. Brief abstract of a series of six lectures on the Principles of Linguistic Science, delivered at the Smithsonian Institution in March, 1864. Smithsonian Report for 1864, pp. 95-116.
[58.] On the origin of language. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 8, p. lv.
[58a.] Review of Charles L. Brace's The races of the Old World: a manual of ethnology. North American Review, vol. 98, pp. 273-276.1865.
59. On the Jyotisha observation of the place of the colures, and the date derivable from it. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, new series, vol. 1, pp. 316-331.
60. On Müller's second series of lectures on the Science of Language. North American Review, vol. 100, pp. 565-581. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 164.)
61. Is the study of language a physical science? Ibidem, vol. 101, pp. 434-474.