219. Review of T. L. Douse's book on Grimm's Law. The Nation, No. 631, August 2.
[220.] On the comparative frequency of occurrence of the alphabetic elements in Sanskrit. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. cl-clii.
[221.] On surd and sonant. Proc. APA., pp. 8-9, in Trans. for 1877. (Cf. No. 223.)
[222.] The principle of economy as a phonetic force. Ibidem, p. 14. (Cf. No. 224.)1878.
223. On the relation of surd and sonant. Trans. APA. for 1877, pp. 41-57.
224. The principle of economy as a phonetic force. Ibidem, pp. 123-134.
225. On the derivative conjugations of the Sanskrit verb. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 10, pp. clxviii-clxx.1879.
226. A Sanskrit Grammar, including both the classical language and the older dialects, of Veda and Brāhmaṇa. Leipzig (Breitkopf u. Härtel), 8°, xxiv + 486 pp. (Translated into German by Prof. H. Zimmer. Ibidem, 1879, 8°, xxviii + 520 pp.) [For the 2d ed., see No. 319.]
[227.] On certain points in Sanskrit grammar. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. xvii-xix.
228. Collation of a second manuscript of the Atharva-Veda Prātiçākhya, JAOS., vol. 10, pp. 156-171. (Presented to the Society in 1871. Cf. No. 140.)
229. Logical consistency in views of language. AJP., vol. 1, pp. 327-343.
230. Müller's Sacred books of the East. The Independent, November 11.
231. Sayce on the science of language. The Nation, No. 774, April 29.