233. On the transliteration of Sanskrit. Ibidem for October, vol. 11, pp. li-liv.
[234.] (Announcement of) Index-Verborum to the published text of the Atharva-Veda. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, p. xxvi.
[235.] Statistics of external vowel-combination in the Rig- and Atharva-Vedas, by W. D. Whitney and W. Haskell. Ibidem for October, pp. xxxvii-xxxix.
[236.] Logical consistency in views of language. Proc. APA., pp. 13-16, in Trans. for 1880. (Abstract of No. 229.)1881.
238. On the so-called science of religion. Princeton Review for May, 1881 (57th year), pp. 429-452.
239. On inconsistency in views of language. Trans. APA. for 1880, pp. 92-112.
240. What is articulation? AJP., vol. 2, pp. 345-350.
241. On Lepsius's Nubian grammar. Ibidem, pp. 362-372.
[242.] On Lepsius's views of African languages. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. lxvii-lxix.
[243.] On the so-called henotheism of the Veda. Ibidem for October, pp. lxxix-lxxxii.
[244.] On mixture in language. Proc. APA., pp. 13-14, in Trans. for 1881. (Cf. No. 255.)
[245.] What is articulation? Ibidem, pp. 21-22. (Cf. No. 240.)
[246-251.] Reviews—in The Nation—of: E. H. Palmer's The Qur'an, translated; L. E. Poor's Sanskrit and its kindred literatures; T. Benfey's Vedica und Verwandtes and Vedica und Linguistica; F. Max Müller's Chips from a German workshop, vol. 5; E. B. Tylor's Anthropology; J. F. McCurdy's Aryo-Semitic speech.