[253.] A. J. Ellis's "Dimidian" reform of English spelling. The (New York) Independent, January 27.
[254.] A. M. Bell's Sounds and their relations. The Critic, December 17.1882.
256. General considerations on the Indo-European case-system. Ibidem for 1882, pp. 88-100.
257. Eggeling's translation of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. AJP., vol. 8, pp. 391-410. (Cf. Nos. 263, 317, and 340.)
258. The cosmogonic hymn, Rig-Veda x. 129. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. cix-cxi.
259. Further words as to surds and sonants, and the law of economy as a phonetic force. Proc. APA., pp. xii-xviii, in Trans. for 1882.
260. Le prétendu Hénothéisme du Véda. Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (Paris), vol. 6, pp. 129-143.
[261.] Abstract of No. 256. Proc. APA., pp. xlii-xliv, in Trans. for 1882.
[262.] Specimen of a list of verbs, intended as a supplement to his Sanskrit Grammar. PAOS. for May, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. cxvii-cxix. (Cf. No. 286.)
[263.] Eggeling's translation of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. Ibidem for October, pp. cxxxiv-cxxxvi. (Cf. No. 257.)
[264.] Obituary of John Muir. The Nation, March 23.
[265.] Review of F. Max Müller's Buddhist texts from Japan. The Nation, April 16.
[266.] Obituary of A. C. Burnell. The Critic, November 18.1883
268. Isaac Taylor's The alphabet. Science, September 28.
269. The various readings of the Sāma-Veda. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 11, pp. clxxxiv-clxxxv.
[270.] Remarks upon M. Bloomfield's paper On certain irregu-