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"In Haddonfield, on a little side street that runs up from the depot. I don't know the name of it," answered Simpson.

"Decker Street," supplied Tom. "About the only place we didn't look, fellows. I didn't know there was a second-hand place there."

"There's only this one!" said Frank. "But he has your chair!"

"Hurrah!" cried Phil. "On the trail at last! Where's my cap?" and he began looking about the room.

"Where you going, this time of night?" de* manded Dutch.

"Over to Haddonfield to get that chair, of course," replied the quarter-back. "Come on, Sid and Tom."

They were enthusiastically hunting about for their hats and coats, which were never put in the same place twice.

"I'll go along and show you," volunteered Frank. "But he may be closed now. It's after nine. We won't get to town until nearly ten."

"We'll make him open up if we have to get the police," declared Sid.

"Sure!" exclaimed Tom.

"Fellows, it's too late to go to-night," said Dutch, seriously. "You can't run any chances of Zane catching you, especially as the big game with Boxer is so near at hand. If you're caught it may