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mean being ruled off the team, and you ought not to take chances."

The four hesitated. It was their chair against the eleven, for they knew that there had been a number of college rule violations of late, and the proctor was unusually strict. They might be caught and punished.

"Morning will do," insisted Dutch, who, if he did not care much for the chair, did have the interests of the eleven at heart.

"It won't do, but I suppose we'll have to wait," conceded Phil, slowly. "Jove! It's tough to almost get your hands on it, and then have to hold back. Why didn't you tell us this before, Frank?"

"I didn't see the chair in the window until day before yesterday, and then I never thought it could be yours, until we got to talking about it to-night."

"And to think that we may have it back to-morrow," murmured Tom. "It seems too good to be true! I wonder how it ever got away?"

"I don't know that, but I do know that we'll chain it fast when we have it again," declared Phil, and then they made Frank tell all over again how he had happened to see it, and how it looked.