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The four chums begged off from football practice directly after the first lecture the next morning, when they had a clear period until noon.

"Say, what's up?" demanded Kindlings, to whom they made the request.

"We want to go to Haddonfield and get our chair," explained Phil.

"And you want me to knock out a morning's practice, when you know how much the team needs it," went on the captain, reproachfully.

"We don't need it—so much," declared Sid.

"No, you fellows think you're perfect, I guess," and the captain looked injured, and spoke sarcastically.

"It isn't that," said Tom, eagerly, "but if we don't go, our chair may vanish again. We'll put in hard practice when we come back."

"Oh, well, then, go ahead," conceded Kindlings after a consultation with the coach. "I'll make