Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/236

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John Van Home and Robert C. Clowry, Treasurer R. H. Rochester, and William B. Somerville, Superintendent of the Press Service.

Representing the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company—First Vice-President and General Manager S. H. H. Clark, Assistant General Manager George C. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer A. H. Calef, Local Treasurer D. S. H. Smith, General Auditor C. G. Warner, General Attorney for Western States B. P. Waggener, General Solicitor A. G. Cochran, and John C. Wands.

Representing the Union Pacific—Vice-President E. F. Atkins, Director Frederick L. Ames, Secretary Alexander Miller, Treasurer James G. Harris, and Controller Oliver W. Mink of Boston, and Director Joseph H. Millard of Omaha.

J. B. Houston, Vice-President of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and Mrs. Houston; Austin Corbin, President of the Long Island Railroad Company and a Western Union Director; S. W. Fordyce, President of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company; John G. Moore, a Director of the Missouri Pacific road; Henry B. Hyde, President of the Equitable Life Assurance Society and a Union Pacific Director; George G. Williams, President of the Chemical National Bank; J. Edward Simmons, President of the Fourth National Bank; Edward H. Perkins, Jr., President of the Importers' and Traders' National Bank; A. S. Frissell, President of the Fifth Avenue National Bank; ex-Judge John F. Dillon; W. B. Doddridge, a Director of the St. Louis South-