Page:The Wizard of Wall Street and his Wealth.djvu/237

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  • western Railway; Washington E. Connor, Gould's

former partner; Samuel Sloan, President of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company and a Director of the Missouri Pacific and Western Union companies.

Chauncey M. Depew, President, and H. Walter Webb, Third Vice-President, of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad; H. G. Marquand, Collis P. Huntington, a Director of the Western Union Telegraph Company; John Bigelow, Addison Cammack, Henry Villard, Henry Clews, Simon Wormser, a Director of the Manhattan Elevated Company; Herbert H. Dickson, Mr. Gould's personal lawyer; J. Pierpont Morgan, a Western Union Director; William H. Blackford, representative of Charles F. Mayer, President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Whitelaw Reid, John H. Inman, William D. Bishop, of New Haven, a Western Union Director; Jesse Seligman, Mr. and Mrs. James Seligman, Mrs. Helman, Dr. Virgil P. Gibney and mother, Dr. Jarrett Baldwin, Mrs. B. S. Clark, ex-Senator and Mrs. John J. Kiernan, Judge Rufus B. Cowing, of the Court of General Sessions; Dr. Matthew D. Field, Sidney Dillon Ripley, William H. Kissam, J. Seaver Page, ex-Governor Alonzo B. Cornell, a Western Union Director; J. H. Villard, Alexander Miller, Frank Kernan, J. M. Morgan, James Gurnie, John D. Crimmins, J. C. Pierce, Gen. G. M. Dodge, A. S. Hopkins, Gen. Louis Fitzgerald,. Ogden Mills, C. C. Baldwin, F. K. Sturgis, Cornelius N. Bliss, Benjamin Brewster, William Rockefeller, E. P. Vining, Maug-