Page:The Woman Socialist - Snowden - 1907.djvu/16

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The Woman Socialist

Though the woman of the future is to be the main subject of these pages, a description of the position of women under Socialism to be the chief object of this writing, it is impossible in such a connection to forget the rebel-women of the present, whose brave stand for justice and freedom are making the coming of real Socialism possible. They are pioneers, born in advance of their times. They are having to pay the penalty which all pioneers in time past have had to pay; misunderstanding and abuse, cruel slanders and countless lies all along the road, with Calvary and the cross at the end of it all. But their praises shall be sung from the mountain-tops and chanted in the valleys when the day of woman’s freedom shall dawn; and their reward shall be more than marble monuments and the sound of trumpets, for they shall be enthroned in the hearts of a people made free through their efforts and exalted through their sufferings and sacrifices.